Fairy Finding Adventures
Turn your hike into an imaginative adventure! Choose a fun local trail and bring along our companion e-book.
Find the landmarks listed along your hike and read about the fairytale adventures that happened in that very spot!
This is a great way for families to get outside and enjoy nature together. We've chosen flat trails between
1/2 and 2 1/2 miles long, perfect for kids of all ages. Just $5 for each e-book chock full of photos,
directions and fantastical tales!

Fairy Finding Adventures: Trailer

Fairy Finding Adventure
Once upon a time, this forest was the home to five tribes of fairies: the Dryads, Naiads, Nymphs, Pixies and Sprites. One day, a mischievous Pixie decided to play a trick on the Dryads. Walk through the Fairy Realm to see what happened next!
Use 169 Great Pond Road, Simsbury for GPS.
[1.8 miles, 40 minutes]

Barbarian Tracking Adventure
Did you know that two different tribes of barbarians live in the Belden Forest? And one night a rare Storm Giant appeared in their territory ... was he there to steal their treasure, or warn them of danger? Find out as you hike!
Use 106 Library Lane, Simsbury for GPS
[1.2 miles, 35 minutes]

Crumbling Elfin Castle Adventure
Deep in the forest, a mysterious ruin lies quietly beside a burbling stream. Unlock the secrets of the Elfin Kingdom that once ruled these woods. This hike includes two long stone staircases.
Use 60 Westledge Road, Simsbury for GPS
[1 mile, 30 minutes]

The Legend of Dragonborn Tower
For thousands of years, the dragons of the Massaco tribe lived peacefully in the forests on the Talcott Mountain. But one day, a disturbing omen caused a stir among the leaders of the woodland tribes. What dark forces have infiltrated the Dragonborn Tower?
Use Summit Ridge Drive, Simsbury for GPS
[2.5 miles, 70 minutes]

Empress Ethel Nightwalker and the Battle of the Mermaid Realm
Empress Ethel Nightwalker, the powerful sorcerer who keeps the peace among the magical creatures in this land, is called in to rescue the mermaid queen when she is taken prisoner by the rampaging Spider Goblin army. It will take the efforts of all the fairies, pixies and sprites in the forest to find the necessary magic to break the spells holding Queen Fallingwater captive ... will the brave group escape the Monstrous Red Colossus guarding the Royal Mile and release the queen and her guards from the dungeon? Is Sir Gnome a friend or foe? Do the Scrying Cauldrons hold the answer?
Use 86 Town Forest Road, Simsbury for GPS
[2.5 miles, 60 minutes]
Customer Reviews
"I just wanted to share what a wonderful time our family has had exploring your guided story hikes! We have come to Simsbury twice from Fairfield, along with our friends, solely to do your Fairy Finding Adventure and Barbarian Trecking Adventure and we were not disappointed even after the hour and a half drives! Our children range in ages from 12 to 8 and every one of them was completely enraptured in the story and finding the next landmark! The books were so easy to follow with every detail clearly pictured and described. The creativity of the stories interlacing with the nature trails was awesome! Thank you for all the effort you put into this and making for some great adventures for our families during this pandemic!" -- Taren C. & Mary J.
"We took a group of kiddos on your fairy hike yesterday in was SO fun!!!! Thank you!!! Please do more!" -- Rachel B.
"We went on the Great Fairy Adventure at Great Pond State Forest today! We had so much fun!!! Thank you!!" -- Alison P.
"We did it yesterday - a total success!!! The adventure kept four kids (ages 4-8) interested the whole time. Plan to do it again." -- Kate J.
"These kept us so sane last summer! I'm hoping there will be more! 🤞The Fairy one is our favorite." -- Rebecca K.
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